Manitoba Adult Insulin Pump Program

The endocrinology clinic at HSC Winnipeg provides education and training to Manitoba adults on how to safely use insulin pumps.

The Manitoba Adult Insulin Pump Program provides education, training and support for all eligible adult patients. This includes support accessing an insulin pump and the resources and education required for safe use. 

Patient Education

Safe use of an insulin pump requires appropriate education and training.

The Manitoba Adult Insulin Pump Program is expanding our resources to support a large volume of new patients now eligible for an insulin pump. Safe use of an insulin pump requires appropriate training. A referral from your health-care provider is required.

We are currently experiencing a high volume of new patients and are working through those in the 18-25 year old category at present. More information will be coming soon for patients 25+ who are newly eligible for an insulin pump. Check back regularly for updates. 

More information on accessing insulin pumps

Health-Care Providers: How to refer your patient

A patient referral form can be found in Manitoba Forms Repository of your Manitoba Certified EMR, or use the link below.

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