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Women’s ambulatory care clinics provide same-day care to patients. In most cases, patients have an appointment. When they arrive, they are assessed, treated, and able to go home the same day.
We provide care for women in all areas of women’s health including gynecology, gyneoncology, colposcopy, prenatal, prenatal allergy, early pregnancy assessment, Rh clinic, fetal assessment unit, clinical psychology, dietary/nutrition, social work and spiritual care.
Self-referrals to our clinics
Some services can be patient self-referred, and we also accept physician referrals.
Patients can call 204-787-8237 for self-referrals.
How to find your clinic
Look for the coloured drum lights which correspond to the clinic names above each of the clinic entrances. The lights highlight the Yellow Sun, Blue Bird, Green Leaf, and Purple Flower desks.
Reception desks are named this way on purpose to improve patient privacy as the type of clinic is not named, and this makes it easier for patients who may have language, colour, or reading challenges.
All clinics are located on Level 1 (view map).