Care and Clinics
If you have an appointment, allow extra time to find parking and locate the clinic. Arrive at the clinic 10 minutes before your appointment time and check in at the reception desk. A clerk will review your medical information and ensure any paperwork that is needed before your procedure is complete.
- Bring your Manitoba Health card for each visit, and a list of current medications.
- Physician’s referrals are required for all clinics.
For more information, view the clinics listing below.
Outpatient Clinics, Diagnostics, Services & Treatment Areas
*clinic letter & level indicated after clinic name
- Adult Respiratory Clinic
- Alcohol Recovery Clinic
- Allergy and Immunology Clinic
- Amputee Clinic
- Arthritis Day Hospital
- Assistive Technology
- Audiology Service
- Audiology and Speech Language Pathology
- Cardiac Catheterization Lab
- Cardiac Stress Lab
- Cast / Orthopedics
- Centre for Gamma Knife Surgery
- Central Line Insertion
- Clinic S
- Colposcopy Clinic
- Critical Care
- CT Scanners
- Mammography
- Manitoba Insulin Pump Program
- Mental Health and Addictions
- MRI Clinics
- Multiple Sclerosis Clinic
- Pain Clinic
- PAR Health Services
- Peripheral Vascular Lab
- Physiotherapy Services
- Plastic Surgery
- Pre-Admission
- Pulmonary Function Test Lab
- Rehabilitation
- Rehabilitation Medicine Clinic
- Renal Health Clinic
- Respiratory Clinic
- Rheumatology Clinic
- RR6 Infusion Centre
- Women’s Hospital:
- Operating Room / Post Anesthesia Recovery Room / Day Surgery / and Pre-Assessment Clinic
Adult Respiratory Clinic (
Pink Goose Zone, Level 1)
Care providers work to maintain and maximize your health and independence to help you meet your goals. This team is made up of healthcare professionals, including a clinic coordinator, physiotherapist, dietitian, social worker and mental health nurses.
If hospitalization is required, you will be moved to the inpatient Respiratory ward.
Alcohol Recovery Clinic (
Magenta Fox Zone, Level 2)
Assessments are made of alcohol withdrawal for patients determined as safe for discharge from the HSC Emergency Department with a next day appointment.
Allergy and Immunology Clinic (Ambulatory Care Clinic, Level 2, 700 Elgin Ave.)
Care providers assess and treat allergic and immunologic diseases. If you are coming to the clinic as a patient, you need to provide a list of each of the following:
- Food ingredients that have caused a reaction
- Fresh fruits or vegetables suspected of causing a reaction
- Current medications
All patients coming to the clinic must avoid wearing heavily scented products.
Amputee Clinic (
Magenta Fox Zone, Level 2)
Care providers work with patients with a limb amputation. Patients referred to the clinic can expect to see a Rehabilitation Medicine Physician who specializes in medical issues surrounding amputation. You may also see the clinic’s nurse, physiotherapist or a prosthetist, who manufactures artificial limbs. Patients may be booked for an appointment in the clinic after being discharged from the Amputee Rehabilitation Inpatient service at HSC, through the Amputee Rehabilitation Day Hospital Program or by a referral from their physician.
Patients should bring their current prosthesis with them to their clinic appointment.
Arthritis Day Hospital (
Magenta Fox Zone, Level 1)
Helping people living with arthritis (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis/inflammatory joint disease) improve their knowledge and management strategies. The program includes a structured series of educational sessions to help individuals learn skills to manage their arthritis.
Topics include overview of osteoarthritis, overview of Rheumatoid Arthritis, pain management, safe and effective exercise, protecting your hands & feet, fatigue management / adaptive equipment, and alternative therapies.
These topics are presented in a group format. Each person attends three sessions. Each session is two hours. There is opportunity for participants to ask questions.
Referrals are accepted from all physicians.
Assistive Technology (Materials Handling Building, 59 Pearl Street)
Assistive Technology Products & Services provide consultation services and specialized electronic and mechanical aids for adults with physical disabilities. These include wheelchair modifications, environment controls, automotive adaptations and many other devices to enhance daily living.
Audiology Service
HSC provides diagnostic hearing assessment to adults with a broad range of hearing and balance disorders. Our care team will provide recommendations and management strategies for the patient and will support their goals for intervention and rehabilitation. See our Audiology page for more information.
Audiology and Speech Language Pathology (
Green Owl Zone, Level 2) (Adult)
Care providers work with adults who have voice, language, swallowing, hearing or related disorders. Work is done to identify, assess and treat these disorders, and counsel patients and their families.
- 204-787-2740
Bleeding Disorders (Community Services Building, 685 William Avenue) (Adult)
Care providers treat patients with various bleeding disorders.
Blood Lab (
Green Owl Zone, Level 1)
Care providers draw blood for various medical tests.
Cardiac Catheterization Lab (
Green Owl Zone, Level 1)
Care providers perform angiography, also known as an angiogram. This test is a special x-ray of the heart. A tube called a catheter is put in an artery (blood vessel) in the groin area or sometimes the upper arm or wrist. Once the end of the tube is in the heart, x-ray dye is used to take pictures of the heart.
Cardiac Stress Lab (
Purple Bear Zone, Level 1)
Wear comfortable clothing to your appointment. Your appointment may include one of the following tests:
- MIBI scans show whether there is a problem with circulation to your heart. There are two parts to this test. Each part of the test can take up to four hours. In the middle, you will wait for up to an hour. This is not a delay; it is part of the test. The test is usually scheduled on two separate days, back to back. You will receive a radiopharmaceutical called “99mTc-MIBI” and lie under a gamma camera to scan your heart You may be required to walk on a treadmill or receive medication to exercise your heart.
- Stress tests help you find out how well your heart responds to exercise. The test can also help your doctor know the kind and level of exercise that is safe for you. Bring your medications or a list of medications, dress in loose-fitting, two-piece clothing and wear comfortable walking shoes. Do not smoke for four hours before the test. You will receive instructions to not eat or drink anything but water for a certain period before your test. Electrodes like those used for a heart tracing will be placed on your chest. They are connected by wires to a monitor. This helps the staff watch your heart’s rhythm very closely during the test. You will step onto a treadmill and walk according to instructions the staff will give you. Your blood pressure will be checked before, during and after the test.
- 204-787-7140
Cast / Orthopedics (
Purple Bear Zone, Level 1)
Care providers clinic diagnose and treat patients who have problems with their skeletal system.
Centre for Gamma Knife Surgery (
Green Owl Zone, Level 1)
Care providers use a non-invasive neurosurgical procedure designed to treat various lesions of the brain.
Central Line Insertion (
Green Owl Zone, Level 7)
Care providers insert venous-access devices, such as PORTs and tunnel-cuffed catheters. If you need long-term venous access, or if you are a chemotherapy or transplant patient, these will be inserted by a surgeon.
Clinic S (
Yellow Deer Zone, Level 1)
- 204-787-5736 and 204-787-5733 | 204-940-8885 (Fax)
Colposcopy Clinic (665 William Avenue, Level 1 – Purple Flower Clinic)
Care providers diagnose and treat abnormal cell changes.
Critical Care
HSC provides advanced treatments to critically ill patients in three main intensive care units: Intermediate Intensive Care Unit (IICU), Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU), and Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU). See our Critical Care page for more information.
- Intermediate Intensive Care Unit (IICU): 204-787-3702
- Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU): 204-787-3711
- Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU): 204-787-3396
CT Scanners (
Orange Bison Zone, Level 1)
CT stands for “computed tomography”, which is a form of advanced x-ray imaging. A CT scan makes highly detailed images of the brain and body that cannot be seen using a regular x-ray. During a CT scan, a thin x-ray beam rotates around the patient. Detectors measure the x-rays and a computer creates a cross-sectional image or “slice” of that part of the body. A three-dimensional image can be created by combining the slices. The images interpreted by a radiologist (a doctor specialized in the reading of x-rays), who will report the results to your doctor. Your doctor will then provide you with this information.
Day Surgery (
Orange Bison Zone, Level 3)
Day surgery patients are booked through the slating process for the operating rooms, or through your doctor’s office. When you or your child arrive at Day Surgery, the nurses will interview you, do blood work, start an IV and give you or your child pre- and post-operative instructions. Before you or your child are sent home after your surgery, the nurses will teach you to care for yourself. You may also be prepared for various radiology tests or procedures such as an angiogram, myelogram or central line insertion.
Dental Clinic (
Green Owl Zone, Level 3) (Adult)
Care providers treat adults who need surgical dental work. Bring a list of your medications for your consultation appointment. If your treatment requires sedation, arrange to have a relative or friend come with you for the appointment.
Dermatology (Ambulatory Care Clinic, Level 1, 700 Elgin Ave.)
Care providers diagnose and treat patients with skin conditions. You should bring the name and address of your family physician and a list of your medications.
Diagnostic Services
Shared Health Diagnostic Services serves communities across the province, aiming to provide all Manitobans, no matter where they live, with high quality laboratory tests, diagnostic imaging procedures and non-invasive cardiac tests.
Dietitian Services (Various clinics at HSC)
Dietitians will teach you the best nutrition to aid in improving your medical condition.
Ear, Nose & Throat – Otolaryngology (
Green Owl Zone, Level 2) (Adult)
This clinic treats patients with the following medical conditions:
- general Otolaryngology (ear, nose and throat)
- Otology/Neurotology (disorders of hearing and balance)
- head and neck surgery (for cancer)
- surgical treatment of sleep disorder breathing (such as snoring and sleep apnea)
- Laryngology (speech and voice disorders)
Bring a list of medications and any assistive devices you may have.
Eating Disorder Program (771 Bannatyne Avenue)
The Adult Eating Disorder Program offers both inpatient and outpatient services. There are four integrated treatment modalities that are offered:
- Outpatient Cognitve-Behavioural Therapy Courses
- Intensive Outpatient Program
- Inpatient Symptom Interruption Program
- Individual Follow-up Services
The Adult Eating Disorders Program offers therapy with the goal of increasing insight, self-esteem and awareness of feelings, improving coping skills as well as interruption of eating disordered behaviours.
Echocardiography (
Green Owl Zone, Level 7)
An echocardiogram uses ultrasound to show the shape, size, movement and flow of blood through your heart. Small stickers (electrodes) will be placed on your chest. They are connected to the ultrasound machine. A small amount of jelly will be placed on your chest. This helps to make good contact with the skin and the ultrasound probe. You will have to remain still, as moving may change the pictures.
Purple Bear Zone, Level 1)
An ECG (electrocardiogram), also called an EKG, records electrical impulses from your heart, while you are in a resting state. Electrodes will be placed on your arms, legs and chest. The electrodes are connected by wires to a machine where the impulses are recorded on graph paper.
Endoscopy Procedures (
Purple Bear Zone, Level 7)
Endocrinology (Ambulatory Care Clinic, Level 2, 700 Elgin Ave) (Adult)
Provides care for patients with endocrine disorders including diabetes. You should bring a current list of your medication including insulin. If you use an insulin pen or a glucometer, bring this with you and your logbook to your appointment.
Fluoroscopy (
Orange Bison Zone, Level 1)
Fluoroscopy provides real-time x-ray images that help guide a variety of diagnostic and treatment procedures. Flouroscopy provides images like the way conventional television or video transmits images.
Gastroenterology (Ambulatory Care Clinic, Level 2, 700 Elgin Ave.) (Adults)
In this clinic, you will be seen by the clinic physician and may be referred for a further procedure. Your care will be coordinated by the clinic nurse and physician. You should bring a list of your medications.
General Neurology Clinic (Ambulatory Care Clinic, Level 0, 700 Elgin Ave.)
Care providers diagnose, educate and treat patients with neurological disease, not including MS, stroke or seizure. You should bring the name and address of your family physician and a list of your medications. Let the clerk know if you have had any diagnostic tests done recently.
Genetics & Metabolism Clinic (
Purple Bear Zone, Level 2)
Care providers diagnose, manage and counsel patients and their families regarding birth defects, developmental disabilities, and suspected or confirmed hereditary diseases. They provide prenatal genetic screening and diagnosis service. The Cancer Genetics Service team diagnoses, manages and counsels patients who have suspected hereditary or familial cancer. You may be referred here if you have cancer or are at increased risk of cancer due to an inherited predisposition. Patient assessments and counselling are offered in person or via Telehealth.
GI Surgery (Ambulatory Care Clinic, Level 2, 700 Elgin Avenue)
You will be seen by the surgeon and may be scheduled for an operation or an endoscopy procedure. Your care will be coordinated by the clinic nurse and surgeon. You should bring a list of your medications.
Holter Clinic (
Green Owl Zone, Level 5)
Holter monitoring provides a constant recording of your heart’s activity, recording your heart’s rhythm when you have certain symptoms, and your heart’s reaction to activity and rest. You will need to visit the clinic twice. The monitor will be connected on your first visit. You will have to return the monitor once your test is done. Patients will need to keep a diary showing activity, emotions and any symptoms.
Hypertension Clinic (Ambulatory Care Clinic, Level 2, 700 Elgin Avenue)
In this clinic, care providers treat patients with high blood pressure.
Indigenous Health
Indigenous Health supports the holistic needs of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people. For more information, see our Indigenous Health page
- 204-940-8880, or toll-free 1-877-940-8880
Infectious Diseases (Ambulatory Care Clinic, Level 2, 700 Elgin Ave.) (Adult)
Care providers diagnose and treat people with infectious diseases. You should bring the name and address of your family physician and a list of your medications.
Internal Medicine (Ambulatory Care Clinic, Level 2, 700 Elgin Avenue)
Care providers diagnose and treat of diseases and disorders of the internal structures of the body not requiring surgery. You should bring a list of your medications
Interventional Radiography (Blue Dr. Goodbear Zone, Level 3)
Care providers use minimally invasive image guided techniques to diagnose and treat diseases in your organs. The following tests are performed here:
Angiography involves an x-ray test that uses fluoroscopy to look at the arteries and veins.
Fluoroscopy is an imaging technique that lets doctors see the body part in motion. A thin flexible tube, called a catheter, is put into a blood vessel and then passed to the area of concern. X-ray contrast medium is put through this tube to make the vessels show more clearly during the exam. Images are taken, which can be seen on a monitor and may show any problems with the blood vessel. Angiography tests can be used to diagnose blood vessel narrowing or blockages and other blood vessel problems in various parts of the body.
Language Services
It is important that you and your family can communicate clearly with your care team. People specially trained to interpret health information in dozens of languages can assist with many languages and dialects. See our Language Services page for more information.
- 204-926-3271 (voice)
- 204-452-0688 (fax)
- 204-452-0687 (TTY)
Liver Diseases Clinic (
Purple Bear Zone, Level 1)
Care providers diagnose, educate and treat patients with liver diseases. You should bring the name and address of your family physician and a list of your medications to your appointment.
Mammography (
Green Owl Zone, Level 1)
Care providers perform a mammography to detect breast tumours using x-rays.
- 204-787-3065
Manitoba Insulin Pump Program
The Manitoba Adult Insulin Pump Program provides education, training and support for all eligible adult patients. This includes support accessing an insulin pump and the resources and education required for safe use. See the Manitoba Insulin Pump Program page for more information.
Mental Health and Addictions
The service is committed to providing a responsive and inclusive system aimed to restore, promote and maintain mental health and well-being as well as provide addiction services and support healthy behaviours. See the Shared Health Mental Health and Addictions page for more information.
MRI Clinics (various locations)
MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. An MRI makes very clear images of the human body without using x-rays. While x-rays take an image of dense structures like bones, the MRI scanner takes images of soft tissues in joints (wrists or knees, for example). The MRI scanner is a large doughnut-shaped machine that uses a large magnet, radio waves and a computer to make accurate cross-sectional images, or “slices”, of a body part. The MRI scanner does not use radiation, has no known side effects or risks and is considered safe for both children and adults.
You should not have any metal objects on your body (earrings, watches, etc), as the MRI produces powerful magnetic forces which attracts iron-containing objects, which may cause them to move suddenly and fly through the air toward the centre of the magnet.
- 204-787-1323, Room GC-191, Green Owl Zone, Level 1
- 204-787-5655, Room SR-214, Kleysen Institute for Advanced Medicine, Level 2
Multiple Sclerosis Clinic (Ambulatory Care Clinic, Level 0, 700 Elgin Avenue)
In this clinic, care providers diagnose and treat patients with multiple sclerosis and other inflammatory demyelinating diseases. You should arrive 15 minutes before your appointment to register and see the clinic nurse who reviews medications, allergies, etc. You should bring the name and address of your family physician, a list of your medications, your eyeglasses and any assistive devices (e.g. cane) to every visit. Let the clerk know if you have had any diagnostic tests done recently.
Neurodiagnostic Clinic (
Green Owl Zone, Level 2)
Care providers conduct both EEG and EMG tests. An EEG is a diagnostic test which measures the electrical activity of the brain (brain waves) using highly sensitive recording equipment attached to the scalp by fine electrodes. An EMG measures muscle response to nerve stimulation. It is used to evaluate muscle weakness and to determine if the weakness is related to the muscles themselves or a problem with the nerves that supply the muscles.
Nuclear Medicine (
Purple Bear Zone, Level 1)
Care providers examine the function of almost all human organ systems. Some of the tests include: cardiac tests for myocardial perfusion and viability; bone scans to look for bone metastases, fractures, or infection; biliary tests for acute and chronic cholecystitis; thyroid tests for hyperthyroidism, congenital hypothyroidism, nodule functional assessment, and for thyroid cancer follow up; lung scans for pulmonary embolus and predicting post-operative reserve lung capacity; and renal tests for renal function, renovascular disease and obstruction.
You should contact the department with questions about your specific test. The duration of your test can last from a few minutes to several hours.
Occupational Therapy (various locations) (Adult)
Occupational therapists help patients of all ages lead more productive, satisfying, and independent lives. Fundamental to the practice of Occupational Therapy are the patient’s occupations – that is, the tasks and activities that occupy a person’s time and energy throughout the day. Occupational Therapy helps individuals perform the activities they need and want to do. An occupational therapist is an expert at analyzing the effects of a person’s environment and functional limitations and the ability to perform day-to-day roles, tasks and activities. See our Adult Occupational Therapy page for more information.
- 204-787-2786, Magenta Fox Zone, Level 1
- 204-787-3333, PsycHealth Centre, 771 Bannatyne Avenue
Opioid Assessment Clinic (
Magenta Fox Zone, Level 2)
In this clinic, consultation services are offered to individuals with opioid use, abuse, or dependence. The role of the Clinic is to provide assessment and treatment recommendations based on individual circumstances. The OAC liaises with the HSC Addictions Unit and community-based treatment programs to assist individuals to coordinate treatment plans. The Clinic may make recommendations regarding prescribing but does not take over prescribing opioids. The Clinic may also facilitate access to opioid replacement treatment as indicated. Physician referrals are requested.
- 204-787-3855 | 204-787-3996 (Fax)
Orthotics Services (Materials Handling Building, 59 Pearl Street)
In this area, Certified Orthotists assess individuals’ needs and help them gain the highest possible level of independence through the use of spinal, limb, and foot supports known as orthoses. Many of these are custom fabricated on site by our qualified, highly skilled Technicians.
Pain Clinic (
Orange Bison Zone, Level 2)
Care providers perform chronic pain management for patients with acute, chronic or cancer pain. This includes the investigation and evaluation of your pain to determine a precise diagnosis and subsequent formulation of a comprehensive management strategy.
PAR Health Services (
Magenta Fox Zone, Level 1)
PAR Health Services is a multi-disciplinary, fee-for-service clinic. In this clinic, physiotherapy and occupational therapy are provided for clients with musculoskeletal pain and complex hand injury.
Peripheral Vascular Lab (
Green Owl Zone, Level 3)
Care providers perform ABI tests and Ankle Brachial index measurements on individuals with suspected and confirmed vascular compromise and disease. Please bring your MHSC card with you.
Physiotherapy Services (
Magenta Fox Zone, Level 1)
Physiotherapists provide outpatient assessment and treatment to the patients with rheumatologic conditions, complex hand and musculoskeletal injuries as well as vestibular dysfunction.
Plastic Surgery (
Magenta Fox Zone, Level 4) (Adult)
Patients referred to a plastic surgeon may undergo a variety of different surgical procedures including breast reconstruction, mastectomy, skin grafting for burns and general surgery.
Pre-Admission (
Purple Bear Zone, Level 1)
Patients who are coming in for day surgery are brought here prior to surgery.
Pulmonary Function Test Lab (
Pink Goose Zone, Level 2)
In this clinic, care providers test your breathing function and exercise capacity. They will also do asthma challenge testing to determine if you may have asthma and would benefit from medication. You should refrain from taking any breathing medications you may be using, for at least six hours prior to your appointment. Typically, the physician will order tests done without medication and then repeated with medication.
Whether you visit HSC for an appointment or stay in hospital for a few days, our goal is to provide you with the skills to help you be as independent as you can be when you return to the community. Our care team provides seamless continuity of care throughout the patient’s life. See the Rehabilitation page for more information.
Rehabilitation Medicine Clinic (
Magenta Fox Zone, Level 1)
You will work with a physiatrist, who is a medical specialist in the area of rehabilitation medicine, dealing with problems in muscles, bones and nerves, along with function and mobility.
Renal Health Clinic (
Green Owl Zone, Level 4)
In this clinic, clinical management and education is provided by the interdisciplinary renal team for patients diagnosed with chronic kidney disease in stages 1 to 5.
You should bring all your medications to your appointment. If blood work or urine collection is required, it should be done 1 to 2 weeks prior to your appointment. A renal health clinic pamphlet is mailed to all new patients. The pamphlet provides information as to the purpose of your visit, what happens, the team members, length of the appointment, what to bring and where the clinic is located. See the provincial Renal Health page for more information.
Respiratory Clinic (Ambulatory Care Clinic, Level 1, 700 Elgin Avenue) (Adult)
Care providers treat patients with lung cancer, cystic fibrosis, tuberculosis (T.B.), asthma and other respiratory illnesses.
Rheumatology Clinic (Ambulatory Care Clinic, Level 1, 700 Elgin Avenue) (Adult)
In this clinic, care providers help with a wide variety of Rheumatological conditions.
RR6 Infusion Centre (
Magenta Fox Zone, Level 6)
Provides intravenous medications to outpatients.
Seizure Clinic (
Green Owl Zone, Level 1)
- 204-787-3385
- Fax: 204-787-5158
Specialized Seating Services (
Magenta Fox Zone, Level 1)
Specialized Seating Services is for individuals 18 years of age or older who are full-time wheelchair users and have seating and mobility related issues that cannot be met through community-based therapy resources. Occupational therapists and physiotherapists act as consultants to provide assessment and education in the following areas: pressure ulcers, posture & mobility and assistive technology
Spine Assessment Clinic (
Purple Bear Zone, Level 1)
In this clinic, Physiotherapists provide surgical consultation on behalf of the orthopedic spine and neurosurgery programs. A detailed subjective and objective assessment is performed followed by review of available imaging. Referral to non-surgical interventions are considered when surgery is not urgently indicated.
Spiritual Health
Spiritual Health Services can assist you in connecting with your inner strengths and hope in the face of illness, fear, discouragement and loss, or threat of loss. We respectfully support the needs of all – whether you identify as spiritual, atheist, religious or agnostic. See the Spiritual Health page for more information.
Stroke Prevention Clinic (Ambulatory Care Clinic, Level 0, 700 Elgin Avenue)
In this clinic, care providers urgently investigate and treat strokes and TIAs. You should bring the name and address of your family physician, and a list of your medications. Please let the clerk know if any diagnostic tests have been done recently.
Therapeutic Apheresis (
Orange Bison Zone, Level 3)
Therapeutic Apheresis is also known as plasma exchange and is a process in which your blood is drawn into a machine and separated. Your plasma (the fluid part of your blood) is removed for the purpose of reducing a disease mediator, and the other components of your blood are returned to you.
The service provided includes treating patients with disorders of hemotological, autoimmune, neurological, renal and metabolic natures, along with pre- and post-transplant cardiac and kidney patients.
Thoracic Clinic (
Yellow Deer Zone, Level 1)
Care providers diagnose, treat and educate patients who, due to diseases of the chest or esophagus, require the care of a thoracic surgery team. You should bring your Manitoba Health card, the name and address of your family physician, and a list of your current medications. Let the clerk know if you have had any diagnostic tests done recently. If you have not previously registered with HSC Admitting department, please arrive 30 minutes prior to your appointment time so that registration can be completed.
Transplant Programs & Gift of Life (Kleysen Institute for Advanced Medicine, Level 3)
Adult Kidney Transplant Program – Kidney transplantation is the best treatment for kidney failure. This multidisciplinary team is dedicated to treating and caring for individuals before and after transplant.
Adult Lung Transplant Program – Lung transplantation is a treatment option for a variety of end-stage lung diseases. The program assesses patients for lung transplantation suitability and cares for patients who have received a lung transplant.
Adult Liver Transplant Program – Although liver transplants are not performed in Manitoba, pre- and post-transplant patients are followed in our clinics.
Living Kidney Donor Program – Deciding to start the process to become a living kidney donor is a big step. This multidisciplinary team conducts and coordinates assessments, tests and evaluations along the journey to living donation.
Gift of Life Program – The Gift of Life team’s goal is to promote organ donation awareness, encourage donor registration through and ensure families have compassionate end-of-life care and the option to consider organ donation when the time is right.
- 204-787-7001 or toll free 1-888-205-8833
Tuberculosis (
Pink Goose Zone, Level 1)
Tuberculosis patients are seen by Respirology doctors and the Thoracic surgeon team. TB patients are treated and monitored, with the course of treatment taking between six months and two years. TB is also looked at in other areas of the body, such as bones, brain and lymph nodes. HSC staff work with the WRHA Public Health TB Services team, who monitor patients in their communities.
Ultrasound (
Green Owl Zone, Level 3)
In this clinic, care providers perform diagnostic ultrasound scans on various parts of the body. There are preparations needed for the following exams:
- Abdominal scans (excluding Renal / Kidney-only scans): Do not eat or drink for at least four hours prior to exam. Exceptions can be made for diabetic patients or patients taking medication.
- Kidney scans: Drink two glasses of water one hour prior to exam unless on fluid restrictions. Do not empty bladder, but you may release a little if pressure becomes unbearable.
- Obstetric and Pelvic Scans: Do not empty bladder for one hour prior to exam, but you may release a little if pressure becomes unbearable.
- Biopsies: Do not eat or drink for at least six hours prior to exam. Exceptions can be made for diabetic patients or patients on medication.
Children are not allowed into examination rooms. Please make arrangement to have children attended to.
Urology Procedures (
Purple Bear Zone, Level 1) (Adult)
Urology procedures such as cystoscopy and lithotripsy (breaking up kidney stones with sound waves) occur. You should arrange to have an escort home afterwards.
Vascular Clinic (
Green Owl Zone, Level 3)
In this clinic, care providers diagnose and treat patients with new and existing vascular issues and disease including pre-operative and post-operative vascular surgery. For your visit please bring your MHSC card, the name and address of your family physician and a list of your medications.
Viral Hepatology Investigative (Ambulatory Care Clinic, Level 2, 700 Elgin Avenue)
Care providers diagnose and treat patients with all forms of viral hepatitis. You should bring the name and address of your family physician and a list of your medications.
Women’s Hospital Operating Room / Post Anesthesia Recovery Room / Day Surgery / and Pre-Assessment Clinic
Healthcare workers at the Women’s Hospital provide state-of-the-art surgical care, including Laparoscopic, Hystroscopic, Vaginal, Uro-Gynecologial and Laparotomy procedures. The Women’s Hospital OR/PACU also has a separate procedure room for minor surgical procedures.
To support the surgical environment Women’s Hospital a nurse-managed Pre-Assessment Clinic is available to provide pre-operative assessment care to all patients who require admission post operatively, an anesthesia consult, or collaborative care from other allied health providers.
X-ray (various locations)
MRTs (Medical Radiation Technologists) perform diagnostic X-rays on various parts of the body to aid in the diagnosis of diseases and fractures.
Appointment required – must have requisition filled out and signed by physician.
Locations and Hours of operation:
Location: Green Owl Zone, Level 1
Hours: Monday to Friday, 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. | 204-787-3241, option 5
Location: Pink Goose Zone, Level 1
Hours: Monday to Friday, 7:45 a.m.-3:30 p.m. | 204-787-3241, option 5