
820 Sherbrook Street, Level 4, JM-476  •  204-787-2410  •  204-787-2004

Pediatric cardiac services are provided both on an outpatient basis and in hospital at HSC Winnipeg. Our team provides care to infants, children, and adolescents with genetic cardiac conditions, cardiac complications and cardiac defects that require medical management.

How to prepare for an appointment

  • What to bring: Important documents such as Manitoba Health card, identification, private insurance cards, list of current medications
    • If your child is over 6-years-old: Bring a pair of shorts and runners in case they need to do an exercise stress test.
    • If your child is an infant or toddler: Dress them in an outfit that buttons or snaps up in the front to allow tests to be done easily.
  • Be prepared to wait: Your visit may last up to 2 hours depending on how many tests are needed. Bring an extra bottle for infants, snacks, diapers, or your child’s favourite toy, doll, soother, or blanket to make them comfortable.
  • Arrive on time: HSC Children’s Heart Centre has a lengthy waitlist and it may take several months to reschedule. If you are unable to attend, call us at 204-787-2410. Plan your travel according to the weather and road conditions.

Day of appointment

  • Your arrival: You will find that a visit to the HSC Children’s Heart Centre is like visiting any doctor’s office for a check-up.
  • First assessment: Your child’s heart will be assessed by specially trained staff using the most up-to-date equipment available. Our care team will weigh and measure your child. Your child will then be examined by at least one doctor who will also ask further questions.
  • Testing: If tests are necessary, they will be performed at the time of your visit. If we anticipate the need for tests, they may be performed before your child sees the doctor. Tests may include electrocardiogram (ECG), echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart), exercise test, or chest x-ray.

Our team

A specialized team will take care of your child during your visit. Our care team includes pediatric cardiologists, nurse clinicians, CVT technologists, a social worker, and administrative staff.

The news that your child has been diagnosed with a heart problem is very frightening and can cause feelings of confusion and disbelief. Our care team is available to support your family and answer your questions. We will provide accurate information to avoid unnecessary fears and misconceptions.

Support for families

  • The Circle of Hearts is a parent support group for families of children with any type of heart problem. For more information, visit their website, Facebook page or contact [email protected].
  • Visit our Health Information page to access the many resources available to support you and your child.
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