Care and Clinics (Children)

If your child has an appointment, allow extra time to find parking and locate the clinic. Arrive at the clinic 10 minutes before their appointment time and check in at the reception desk. A clerk will review their medical information and ensure any paperwork that is needed before their procedure is complete.

  • Bring your child’s Manitoba Health card for each visit, and a list of current medications.
  • Physician’s referrals are required for all clinics.

For more information, view the clinics listing below.

Outpatient Clinics, Diagnostics, Services & Treatment Areas

*clinic letter & level indicated after clinic name


Adolescent (Teen) Medicine Clinic (Y, Level 1)

In this clinic, comprehensive care for teenagers is provided.

Allergy & Asthma Clinic (X, Level 1)

In the this clinic, care is provided for children with allergy and asthma related issues.

Audiology Service

HSC provides diagnostic hearing assessment to children with a broad range of hearing and balance disorders. Our care team will provide recommendations and management strategies for the patient and will support their goals for intervention and rehabilitation. See our Audiology page for more information.

Audiology & Speech Language Pathology (Level 2)

In this clinic, care providers work with children and adolescents who have speech, language, hearing or related disorders.


Bleeding Disorders (W, Level 1)

In this clinic, care providers treat children who have hemophilia and other bleeding disorders.


Cardiology Clinic (Level 4, JM4)

Pediatric cardiac services are provided both on an outpatient basis and in hospital at HSC Winnipeg. Our team provides care to infants, children, and adolescents with genetic cardiac conditions, cardiac complications and cardiac defects that require medical management. See our cardiology page for more information.

Cast Clinic

The doctor will check to see if the cast should come off, stay on, or be changed a bit. For removing soft casts, the process can be simple and just require scissors. For removing a hard cast, which is made of full fiberglass or plaster, we use a cast removal tool. Some children and youth find this tool a bit loud and worrisome. See our cast removal page for more information.

Children’s CT (Level 1)

CT stands for “computed tomography”, which is an advanced x-ray used to diagnose medical conditions.

Cleft Palate / Craniofacial Clinic (X, Level 1)

In this clinic, care is provided for children with cleft lip, palate & craniofacial differences.

Consult Clinic (W, Level 1)

In this clinic, care providers treat children with enuresis (problems with voiding and bed wetting) and encopresis (constipation).


Day Surgery (Level 3)

In this clinic, care providers prepare children coming in for any type of surgical procedure.  Following the surgery, any children being treated on an outpatient basis (i.e. they can go home the same day) return to this unit for post-op recovery.

Dental Clinic

In this clinic, dental care for children is provided.

  • 204-787-2516
  • Community Services Building, 685 William Avenue

Diagnostic Services

Shared Health Diagnostic Services serves communities across the province, aiming to provide all Manitobans, no matter where they live, with high quality laboratory tests, diagnostic imaging procedures and non-invasive cardiac tests. 


Ear, Nose & Throat (Otolaryngology) Clinic (Level 2)

In this clinic, care providers treat children with diseases / disorders of the ear, nose and throat.

Endocrine & Diabetes Clinics (Pediatric)

  • Community Services Building, 685 William Avenue, Room FE307
  • Pediatric Endocrine Clinic:
    • 204-787-7435
    • Pediatric Endocrine Clinic provides specialized evidence based care, education, support, advocacy, and research for children with known or suspected endocrine disorders.
  • Diabetes Education Resource for Children and Adolescents (DER-CA) – Pediatric Diabetes Clinic:
    • 204-787-3011
    • DER-CA provides specialized evidence based care, education, support, advocacy, and research for children living with diabetes.

Eye Clinic (Ophthalmology) (Level 2)

In this clinic, care providers test, diagnose and treat children with vision problems.


Gastroenterology Clinic (X, Level 1)

In this clinic, care providers treat gastrointestinal-related illnesses.

Gender Diversity and Affirming Action for Youth

Gender Diversity and Affirming Action for Youth (GDAAY) is a program in Winnipeg that offers integrated care for youth in Manitoba during their gender affirming journey. Every youth’s journey is different and our program aims to support youth through the transition they feel is affirming for them. Visit the GDAAY website for more information.

General Pediatrics (W, Level 1)

In this clinic, general pediatric care is provided to children and teens.

Genetics Clinic (X, Level 1)

In this clinic, care providers diagnose and treat genetic disorders in children.

Gynecology Clinic (Y, Level 1)

In this clinic, care provided for girls concerning female reproductive system & health.


Infectious Diseases Clinic (W, Level 1)

In this clinic, care providers treat children with infectious diseases.


Lipid Clinic (Y, Level 1)


Mental Health and Addictions

The service is committed to providing a responsive and inclusive system aimed to restore, promote and maintain mental health and well-being as well as provide addiction services and support healthy behaviours. See the Shared Health Mental Health and Addictions page for more information.

Metabolic Clinic (W, Level 1)

In this clinic, care providers treat children with metabolic disorders.


Neonatology (665 William Ave. Level 2)

The neonatology unit cares for the sickest newborns in the province. The neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) has specialized teams provide care for babies of all acuities. The NICU staff care for more then 1,400 newborns every year. See our neonatology page for more information.

Nephrology (Kidney) Clinic (Y, Level 1)

In this clinic, care is provided for children with kidney disease.

Neurology Clinic (Y, Level 1)

In this clinic, care providers treat children with seizures and other neurological disorders.


Occupational Therapy (Children)

Working collaboratively as part of the patient care unit teams, Child Health OTs are one of several disciplines that assist patients and families to successfully transition to the community as independently as possible. OTs also work closely with Rehabilitation Assistants and other support staff to support inpatient care. See our children’s occupational therapy page for more information.

Orthopedics (Cast) Clinic (Z, Level 1)

Care for children with bone disorders, fractures and scoliosis.

Orthotics Services

In this area, Certified Orthotists create spinal, limb, and foot supports known as orthoses.


Pediatric Day Unit (Level 3)

In this clinic, children are seen for a variety of specialized tests and treatments.

Pediatric Hemodialysis Unit (Level 3)

On this unit, healthcare workers provide hemodialysis for children with kidney problems.

Plastic Surgery Clinic (X, Level 1)

In this clinic, care providers treat children with plastic surgery needs.

Pre-Admission (Pre-Operation) Clinic (Level 1)

Children who are coming in for day surgery are brought to the Pre-Admit clinic first, prior to surgery.


Renal Health

Visit the Manitoba Renal Program’s website for more information.

Respirology Clinic (Level 5)

In this clinic, care providers treat children with lung conditions, including cystic fibrosis.

Rheumatology Clinic (Y, Level 1)

In this clinic, care providers treat children with arthritis and other joint disorders.


Spiritual Health

Spiritual Health Services can assist you in connecting with your inner strengths and hope in the face of illness, fear, discouragement and loss, or threat of loss. We respectfully support the needs of all – whether you identify as spiritual, atheist, religious or agnostic. See the Spiritual Health page for more information.

Surgery Clinic (W & Y, Level 1) 

In this clinic, children are seen by surgical teams. See our surgery page for more information.


Thompson Children’s Allergy & Asthma Centre

At this centre, staff provide community resources and education for children with allergies and asthma.

  • 204-787-2455
  • Community Services Building, 685 William Avenue


Urology Clinic (X, Level 1)

In this clinic, care is provided for children with issues related to the urinary system.

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