A glimpse of Take Our Kids to Work Day 2023

November 1 was Take Our Kids to Work Day, a national event that allows Grade Nine students to experience various career opportunities available to them.

We welcomed aspiring physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists, health care aides, skilled tradespeople, and many many others as they stepped into the shoes of an adult in their life for a glimpse into a career in health care. Across our organization, teams worked together to give students a day they will remember and we hope that you had an excellent day and that you took the opportunity to brag a bit about the incredible work you do to support the delivery of Manitoba health care services.

For more on this event, please visit – A glimpse of Take Our Kids to Work Day 2023 – Shared Health Intranet (sharedhealthmb.ca)

While this year’s Take Our Kids to Work event was smaller than pre-pandemic sessions, it was wonderful to have students back in our work environments to get a first-hand understanding of the many career opportunities that exist. We are looking forward to an even larger event next year and will be seeking your feedback and assistance in planning for TOKTW 2024.

We welcome your feedback

Send your thoughts to [email protected]. We’ll keep you informed as planning and volunteer callouts for 2024 events begin in the New Year!

  • What worked well in your area this year?
  • What is an event or activity from prior years – or a new activity – that you would like to see return or debut in 2024?

Fun Facts about Health Sciences Centre

HSC employs over 8,000 staff members from a wide range of clinical and non-clinical disciplines.
HSC uses about 170,640,000 sheets of toilet paper per year – that’s 17,000 kilometers of toilet paper that could travel to Tokyo, Japan and back with some left over.
HSC uses approximately 10,000 fluorescent light bulbs each year.
20,472 medical devices are supported by Biomedical Engineering at HSC.
There are 75 elevators at HSC!
More than 6,200 babies are born each year.
The HSC Winnipeg campus is one of the largest in Canada. With over 4.2 million square feet of usable space it's about 3 times the size of Polo Park Shopping Centre.
HSC was the first hospital to have a heliport in Manitoba.


Welcome to Take Our Kids to Work Day at HSC Winnipeg! 

I am so pleased to welcome you into one of the many Shared Health programs and facilities participating in Take Our Kids to Work Day!

Today, you are stepping into the shoes of your accompanying adult to learn more about their role and explore different career opportunities in our health system. As a nurse – and also as the CEO of Shared Health – I’m so excited about the many things you will learn today, and the possibility that something you see or hear about will inspire an interest in your own health care journey. Whether you have joined a parent, guardian or family friend to visit us today, I want you to know that your accompanying adult is someone incredibly special. No matter their role, they are part of the 60,000+ person team that delivers health care across Manitoba.

They have trained and studied to reach their current career, and they spend each shift working to improve care for patients. It’s an incredible responsibility and health care jobs can be among the most rewarding of careers!

Today you will experience a day in the life of jobs filled by people with incredible compassion and the desire to help others. If you take a moment to ask the health-care workers that you meet today what inspired them to pursue their career, I’m willing to bet that you will hear a few common responses. “I wanted to help people”, many will say. “My mom, dad, aunt, favourite cousin, was a health-care worker”, will also be something you hear. And a few will probably have their own experience as a patient or family member who had a memorable interaction with a health-care worker.

Impactful moments and interactions inspire future health-care workers. And I hope that your visit today includes a moment that might inspire you. Welcome. Have the best day. And if someone or something inspires you, please carry that with you into your future studies. We’ll have a spot waiting for you when you are ready.  

Lanette Siragusa, Chief Executive Officer, Shared Health

Privacy and the Personal Health Information Act (PHIA)

The privacy, confidentiality and security of information are important to Shared Health. Our organization, and each individual member of our staff, are committed to maintaining the integrity of all information entrusted to us. For more information visit Shared Health’s access and privacy webpage.

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