Getting Here

Our campus is bordered by the following streets: William Avenue (north), Sherbrook Street (east), Notre Dame Avenue (south) and Tecumseh Street (west).


Three easy steps to find your way:

  1. Check the address on your appointment letter
  2. Find your entrance
  3. Look for your zone

Part of HSC is divided into zones based on the eight major elevator banks:

GA / GD / JJ
GB / GC / GE
GF / GG / GH

Each zone has a colour and animal designation based on the eight major elevator banks of the hospital. When you come to HSC, you will be told to report to a zone and level.

For example, if your appointment letter states Green Owl Zone, Level 2, Clinic G, you will:

  • Follow Green Owl symbol on the signs throughout the hospital until you reach the Green Owl Elevator bank (seen right)
  • Take the elevator to Level 2
  • Proceed to Clinic G

You can get to all zones from any entrance of the hospital.

If you need help finding your way at HSC, ask a staff member, visit the Welcome Centre at 700 William Avenue, or use one of the Information phones (signed with a ) inside HSC, and we will direct you to your destination.

EntranceBuildingZone(s)Nearest Parkade
Emergency – Adult and ChildrenEast of 700 William Avenue Entrance William
700 William Ave.Connects to HSC by tunnel and skywalk from the William Avenue ParkadeWilliam
665 William Ave.Women’s Hospital  
800 Sherbrook St. Open M-F 07:30-17:00Rehabilitation Hospital Sherbrook
820 Sherbrook St.Thorlakson Building Sherbrook
840 Sherbrook St. Open M-F 07:30-17:00Children’s HospitalSherbrook
771 Bannatyne Ave.PsycHealth CentreTecumseh

HSC is centrally located and can be reached easily by bus from most areas of the city.
Printed Transit schedules are available at HSC outside of room MS-208 on the 2nd floor of Thorlakson Building (820 Sherbrook Street entrance). For information on bus routes and schedules, please visit the Winnipeg Transit website.
Winnipeg Transit
A taxi stand is located at our 840 Sherbrook Avenue entrance (Children’s Hospital).
Taxi pickup may also be arranged by using the taxi phones (buttons are located at the bottom of payphone keypads) at our 820 Sherbrook Street and 700 William Avenue entrances. Taxis may pick up and drop off fares at any of our entrances.
Drop Off and Pick Up
Visitors to HSC can be dropped off or picked up at any of our major entrances. All entrances* have a 10-minute loading zone restriction; vehicles cannot be left unattended.
*The exception is Adult Emergency and Children’s Emergency. The driveways leading to these entrances have short-term metered parking. Please be courteous and do not block the way of other drivers, ambulances and health care staff.
Handi-Transit provides public transportation to individuals with disabilities who are unable to use regular Transit service. Service is provided, using specially equipped vehicles and taxi cabs.
Registration is required to use Handi-Transit. Eligibility requirements apply. For more information, call Handi Transit at 204-986-5722 or visit the Winnipeg Transit website.
Winnipeg Transit

Staxis & Wheelchairs

Staxi Chairs

Staxis are transport chairs available for outpatients and visitors who need assistance travelling to and from appointments at HSC. A loonie must be used to access a Staxi. It will be returned when the Staxi is returned to the rack.

Please have a family member or friend accompany you if you need to use a Staxi. Staxi chairs are available at the following entrances:

  • 820 Sherbrook Avenue entrance – Orange Bison Zone Orange Bison Zone, Level 1
  • 810 Sherbrook Street entrance – Pink Goose Zone Pink Goose Zone, Level 1
  • 800 Sherbrook Street entrance – Magenta Fox Zone Magenta Fox Zone, Level 1
  • 700 William Avenue entrance – Purple Bear Zone Purple Bear Zone, Level 1
  • 707 McDermott Avenue entrance – Green Owl Zone Green Owl Zone, Level 1
  • Emily Street parkade tunnel

Standard Wheelchairs

Standard wheelchairs are available for use while you are in the hospital, and to get you to the front entrance when you are discharged.

Please do not remove wheelchairs from HSC.

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Children's Hospital Foundation logo
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