Patients & Visitors

Designated entrances

All patients and visitors must enter at one of the following entrances:

  • 665 William Avenue (HSC Women’s Hospital)
  • 700 William Avenue (main entrance, Children’s and Adult Emergency)
  • 820 Sherbrook Street (HSC Children’s, Rehab, Dialysis drop-off and waiting area)
  • 771 Bannatyne Avenue (PsychHealth Centre)
  • 817 Bannatyne Avenue (Mental Health Crisis Response Centre)
  • 800 Sherbrook Street (Rehab Hospital) — open Monday – Friday 07:30-17:00
  • 840 Sherbrook Street (HSC Children’s) — open Monday – Friday 07:30-17:00

Current outbreaks

For more information on infections at HSC Winnipeg, please visit the Shared Health Infection, Prevention & Control site.


  • Up to four General Visitors will be permitted in zones with no active outbreaks. Up to two visitors will be permitted in the room at one time
  • Up to two designated caregivers may be permitted in Emergency Departments and for outpatient appointments
  • Up to four designated caregivers may permitted in pediatric acute areas (HSC Children’s Emergency Department), with two permitted at one time. One may remain overnight with the pediatric patient
  • Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the care team

For details and exceptions, see:


HSC Winnipeg is a mask-friendly environment. For everyone’s safety, masks are encouraged if you have cold/flu symptoms.

Patients may ask their health-care provider to wear a mask.

During Your Visit

Respecting Privacy and Comfort

Most rooms at HSC are not private rooms. When you come to visit a friend or family member, you may see and hear things related to other patients. Please respect everyone’s right to privacy. It’s greatly appreciated when you minimize your impact on other patients and their visitors. Please remember that people’s private information is confidential by law. Do not discuss what you see and hear in the hospital.

Do your part: Preventing the spread of respiratory viruses is everyone’s responsibility

Masks are recommended

HSC Winnipeg is a mask-friendly environment. For everyone’s safety, masks are encouraged if you have cold/flu symptoms.

Patients may ask their health-care provider to wear a mask.

Wash your hands

Use the hand sanitizer stations available everywhere on our campus to clean your hands.

Germs are everywhere and most are spread by hand contact or coughing and sneezing. Whether at home or in the hospital, proper hand hygiene is one of the single most important ways to stop the spread of infection. Protect yourself and others by covering your cough or sneeze with the bend of your arm or a paper tissue.

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