Thanks to submissions from HSC staff, students and volunteers international dog day was celebrated with amazing photos of your beloved pets. Scroll down to see the dogs of HSC!

Scroll through to see the pups of HSC. Thanks to all who shared pics and stories.

Le Service d’urgence de l’Hôpital pour enfants du Centre des sciences de la santé de Winnipeg invite les parents et les jeunes autochtones à faire part de leurs commentaires et de leur perspective culturelle afin d’améliorer les soins de santé en devenant members de ce nouveau conseil consultatif.

Le conseil tiendra quatre reunions de deux heures par année, don’t trois virtuelles et une en personne à Winnipeg. En plus de la rémunération prévue pour la participation, les frais de déplacement et de garde d’enfants seront pris en charge. Un aîné ou une aînée siégera au conseil en soutien aux par ents et aux jeunes.

Des procès-verbaux seraient dressés et des résumés seraient remis à l’équipe de soins du Service d’urgence de l’Hôpital pour enfants, aux membres de la section et au Département de pédiatrie et de santé de l’enfant. Les points à l’ordre du jour seraient les suivants :

  • Soutien aux familles pendant leur séjour au Service d’urgence de l’Hôpital pour enfants, y compris les besoins en salle d’attente
  • Communications
  • Contacts culturellement importants avec l’enfant gravement malade
  • Questions de confidentialité
  • Examen des sondages auprès des patients
  • Réaménagement du Service d’urgence de l’Hôpital pour enfants et modifications de l’environnement culturellement pertinentes.
  • Nouvelles procédures, outils de pratique éprouvés et directives de pratique clinique

Pour de plus amples renseignements ou pour proposer votre candidature,
veuillez communiquer avec l’une des personnes suivantes :

Sheila Hutton, 204-787-2526
Elisabete Doyle, [email protected] / 204 226-0815
Carrie Costello, [email protected] / 431 337-0365

disponible au français

The HSC Winnipeg Children’s Hospital Emergency Department (CHED) invites Indigenous parents and youth to provide feedback and cultural perspective in improving care, by being a member of this new advisory council.

This council will meet four times per year for 2 hours, with three virtual meetings and once in person, in Winnipeg. In addition to compensation being provided for participation, travel expenses and child care will also be provided. The council includes participation from an Elder to support parents and youth.

Minutes would be recorded, and summaries provided to the CHED Patient Care Team, section members, and to the Department of Pediatrics and Child Health.

Agenda items would include:

  • Family support while in CHED, including waiting room needs
  • Communication
  • Culturally important contacts with critically ill child
  • Privacy issues
  • Review of patient surveys
  • Redevelopment of CHED and culturally relevant modifications to the environment
  • New procedures, evidence informed practice tools and clinical practice guidelines

For more information, or to put your name forward, please contact:

Sheila Hutton: phone 204-787-2526
Elisabete Doyle: email [email protected] or phone 204-226-0815

Manitoba’s largest emergency room flooded Thursday morning after a patient allegedly set off the sprinkler system. A witness said a patient “punctured one of the sprinklers this morning,” creating a “massive mess.”

The ER closed for about an hour.

“Earlier this morning, HSC’s adult emergency department was temporarily closed to new patients –  with the exception of stroke and trauma cases – as a result of an incident involving our fire sprinkler system,” said Amy McGuinness.

“Patients were temporarily diverted to other facilities while the issue was rectified and the area was cleaned.  The temporary diversion lasted approximately 1 hour and HSC’s adult emergency department has since resumed full operations.”

The COVID-19 pandemic has intensified the workload at Winnipeg’s Health Sciences Centre (HSC), where staff report a difficult and anxiety-filled transition into the unknown. And yet, 10 months after being thrust into the largest health crisis in a generation, those health-care workers have found an uneasy rhythm amongst the difficult, stressful situations most of the rest of the province doesn’t see.

“The work that’s been involved, by everybody involved, has been staggering,” says John Embil, medical director of infection prevention and control at HSC, who adds it’s an ever-evolving situation. “This could become a patient treatment area if you needed,” he says, gesturing around the room. “Tanks of oxygen, you take out the desks, put in some beds, you bring in some nurses, you’ve got a patient treatment area. Somewhat unconventional, but it can be done.”

And indeed it has been done many times, as the city’s test-positivity rate remains around 13 – 14 per cent, and well over 100 new cases are added in Winnipeg alone each day.

“We can find empty space anywhere, but it’s how do you operationalize it?” says Jennifer Cumpsty, acting chief nursing officer at HSC. “Staff are working overtime, they are stretched beyond right now. And as the need comes for beds, the patients aren’t going away, and we just keep getting thinner and thinner as our footprint expands.”

One of those areas, GD2, was formerly an orthopedic unit, but now it’s a red zone COVID unit.

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