Sign of the Minor Treatment Clinic

Minor Treatment Clinic

Open 8am-8pm, seven days a week.  Open holidays except Christmas day and New Years day.

Walk-ins are welcome. Please be aware, the Minor Treatment Clinic (MTC) prioritizes patients who have been waiting in the Emergency Department overnight and throughout the day, so wait times may fluctuate and be longer than anticipated. To ensure all MTC registered patients are seen, depending on demand, MTC may close early to walk-ins to ensure those who are already waiting can be seen.

The Minor Treatment Clinic is located in the William Ave. Mall, purple bear zone level 1.

Adults (ages 17 and up) presenting to the Minor Treatment Clinic will see a Physician or Nurse Practitioner to address minor injuries and illnesses.  All patients should be able to walk or have a support person to assist (unless lower extremity injury and able to sit in a wheelchair). In some cases, patients may be directed to the Emergency Department if deemed more appropriate.

Minor Treatment Clinic will see patients for a variety of minor injuries and illness, including but not limited to:

  • Suspected fractures or sprains
  • Minor burns, rashes, sores, or skin infections
  • Cuts that need stitches, suture/staple removal
  • Sore throat/ear or cough, worsening respiratory infections
  • Lower back pain
  • Eye irritation or redness
  • Minor head injury (no loss of consciousness)
  • Headaches, vertigo
  • Bites/stings
  • UTI symptoms
  • STI checks
  • Women’s health related concerns: minor bleeding, PAP tests, family planning

Wait times

MTC serves walk-in patients as well as patients who have been referred from the HSC Emergency Department as well as other units. Patients are seen in order of arrival time, unless they have been given a specific appointment time by the MTC staff. The MTC tries to see patients in a timely fashion and want to accommodate all patients as much as possible.  Due to many variables, the MTC does not provide wait times as they may fluctuate. We apologize for any long delays.

Uninsured Services

Manitoba Health does not insure certain services. As such the clinic does not offer uninsured services as the Minor Treatment Clinic is unable to accept any forms of payment. Examples of uninsured services include, but not limited to, MPI medical forms, doctor’s notes (excluding at the time of visit), return to work forms, workers compensation forms, travel vaccinations, etc.

Opiates/Narcotics Prescribing

As the clinic provides episodic care and does not follow patients as a primary care provider would, providers generally refrain from prescribing narcotics, which require close monitoring and follow-up.  Minor Treatment Clinic providers reserve the right to prescribe narcotics at their own discretion, on a case-by-case basis for acute conditions. We will not issue prescriptions for chronic pain or for lost prescriptions.


There is a zero tolerance policy on abuse toward any staff or other patients of the clinic. Anyone in violation of this policy will be asked to leave the premise and the clinic reserves the right to refuse ongoing care to patient felt to be a risk to its staff and patients.

If you are not sure where to go for care, visit

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