What to expect

1. Applying

  • Only selected applicants will be contacted.
  • We take our responsibility for patients seriously and take many factors into consideration before accepting volunteers at HSC. We screen all applicants thoroughly. Please provide as much information as possible on your application.
  • Be sure to include your specific availability, including days and times you can volunteer.
  • We ask for a minimum commitment of 60 hours.

2. The Interview

  • If selected, a Volunteer Services staff member will call or email you to arrange a date and time for an interview.
  • You will be asked to provide three (3) references. We do not accept family members or personal friends as references.
  • Volunteer Services requires all applicants to complete an Adult Abuse Registry Check and Child Abuse Registry Check as part of HSC policy, which will be done during your interview.

3. Screening

  • If you successfully passed the interview, your references will be contacted.
  • Once references are completed, successful applicants may be placed on a waitlist until a placement opens that matches their availability.

4. The Offer

  • If a successful match is made between your skills and abilities and an available position, you will be offered a volunteer position. If you accept, a start date will be confirmed with training and orientation to follow.
  • Those offered a position in HSC Winnipeg Children’s Hospital will be asked to complete a Criminal Record Check.

5. Orientation & Training

  • You will be required to attend an orientation session at the Volunteer Services office where you will be provided with a volunteer identification badge, a HSC volunteer vest and a general orientation to the office and the HSC.
  • Prior to attending the orientation session, you will be sent an email to complete online eLearning modules which will help you to begin volunteering at HSC and provide you with additional information while volunteering. Completion of the eLearning modules is required before attending your orientation session.
  • On your first day, your immediate placement supervisor will provide you with an orientation to the office/site where you will be volunteering. You will then receive specific training for your volunteer position.
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