
For serious and life-threatening health issues, call 911 for an ambulance or go to the nearest emergency department.

Adult Emergency

(for patients 17 years or older)
700 William Avenue

Sexual Assault/Intimate Partner Violence Examiner

(for all ages and genders)

Visit our Sexual Assault/Intimate Partner Violence Examiner page for more information.

Health Links – Info Santé

204-788-8200 or toll-free 1-888-315-9257

Manitoba Poison Centre


Children’s Emergency

(for all patients 16 years or younger)
700 William Avenue

Visit our Children’s Emergency page for more information.

Save yourself a trip – and a potentially long wait – by seeking the right care provider for your child. Mild cold and flu symptoms may be assessed by a primary care provider or clinic instead of an emergency department. View the #KnowWhereToGo tab below for more information.

HSC Winnipeg provides emergency and specialized care, 24-hours a day, seven days a week. For emergencies, go to 700 William Avenue, and report to the Triage Desk.

When should I go to Emergency?

  • stroke / facial or extremity weakness
  • heart attack / chest pain
  • major trauma
  • severe head injury
  • severe difficulty breathing
  • severe allergic reaction or burn
  • amputation
  • unconsciousness
  • severe bleeding
  • deep cut
  • foreign body in the eyes or ears
  • high fever
  • signs of serious infection

When should I go to Urgent Care?

  • illnesses or injuries that cannot wait for you to see your family doctor
  • fevers, flu symptoms, rashes, or infections
  • dehydration
  • cuts that won’t stop bleeding
  • injured limb that might be broken or sprained
  • any other urgent, but not life-threatening conditions

If you are not sure where to go for care, visit

What to expect inside the Emergency Department

What to bring

  • Your Manitoba Health information
  • Your family doctor’s name
  • Any medications you are taking. If you can’t bring them, know the name of the medication.

Inside Adult or Children’s Emergency

  • You will go to the Registration Desk to be registered as a patient. We will ask for information such as your name, date of birth, next of kin and health card number. Whenever possible you will see a Triage Nurse at the same time. If you have been registered but still need to be triaged, you will be given a green bracelet.
  • The Triage Nurse will ask how you are feeling, take your temperature and blood pressure. This determines how quickly you need to be seen. People with life-threatening injuries and illnesses need to be seen first. Some patients may be arriving by ambulance through a separate entrance. All patients are seen in order of priority, not arrival time. Arriving by ambulance does not necessarily give you priority over others already in the emergency department.
  • You will be given a white hospital identification bracelet (red bracelet if you have an allergy).
  • You will be asked to take a seat in the waiting room until you are called to see a doctor, nurse or nurse practitioner. If you start to feel worse while you are waiting, tell a staff member or return to the triage desk for reassessment.
  • A staff member will check the status of everyone in the waiting room every hour.
  • If you have to step out of the Emergency Department for any reason (e.g. to move your car), please tell a staff member so we know you have not decided to leave without being treated. Let us know when you are back.
  • You will be called and taken into a treatment area where doctors, nurses and other support staff will care for you. You may be sent for tests (e.g. an x-ray) and we may take blood and urine samples. You may need to wait for results.
  • Depending on the nature of your illness or injury, you may need to see a specialist, be treated in the Emergency Department or be admitted to hospital. You may need to wait on a bed in the Emergency Department until a room is available.
  • Depending on the nature of your illness you may be triaged to the Minor Treatment Clinic located in the William Ave. Mall at 700 William Ave.
  • For more information, view our brochure.

Amnesty Lockers

  • Lockers are available for anyone to store any large bags or prohibited items.
  • The lockers are secure and private.

Health Links – Info Santé

If you are unsure what to do about your health issue or if you need health information, Health Links – Info Santé is staffed by bilingual registered nurses 24/7, 365 days of the year.

Call 204-788-8200 or toll-free 1-888-315-9257.

Manitoba Poison Centre

Call 911 or 1-855-776-4766 if you or your child have been exposed to a dangerous substance.

You can call our team of poison experts at the Manitoba Poison Centre 24 hours a day, every day of the year, if you think that you or someone you love has been exposed to a dangerous substance. Our specialists in poison information will give you advice on whether the patient needs to seek medical attention, as well as what symptoms to watch for and how to treat the exposure.

For more information, visit manitobapoison.ca or call 1-855-776-4766.

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