[…] as possible. As the only member s of the team to care for you 24 hours a day, the RN and UA are available to help you practice the skills you have learned. In addition the RN is also ready to listen to and offer emotional support to you, your family and your friends […]

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[…] get better faster. Deep Breathing and Coughing You need to take deep breaths and cough often to keep your lungs clear of fluid and mucus after surgery. Practice these deep breathing and coughing exercises at home. Take a deep breath in through your nose, slowly and as deeply as you can. Then breathe out […]

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[…] Tube Channel: Allergy and Asthma Education Family Information Library – HSC Children’s Hospital Items can be mailed to you free of charge -visit: www.hsc.mb.ca/family -info -library.html to search our catalogue of resources. Phone: 204 -787 -1012 Email : [email protected] © Children’s Allergy & Asthma Education Centre 2021, 202 3 Index # 10.09. 12 Reproduction […]

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[…] Fami ly Inf or mation L ibrary, HSC Children ’s Hospital Items can be mail ed to you fr ee of charge -visit: www.hsc.mb.ca/family -info -library.html to search our catalogue of resources. Ph one: 204 -787 -1012 Emai l: familylibrary@ hsc.mb.ca © Childre n’s Allergy & A sthma Education Centre 2020, 2021 Index # […]

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[…] L ibrary – HSC Children ’s Hospital Items ca n be mail ed to you free of char ge -visit: www.hsc.mb.c a/fam ily -info -librar y.html to search our catalogue of resources. Ph one: 204 -787 -1012 Emai l: familylibrary@hs c.mb.ca © Childre n’s Allergy & A sthma Education Centre 2020 Index # 10.09.0 […]

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Clinical Re search Nurse Is a professional member of a re search team that participates in clinical research projects involving the administration of, and regulatory compliance of, investigational therapies and interventions while providing excellence in clinical care to a defined group of patients who to volunteer to participate in clinical research projects. The Clinical […]

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[…] usual. • Answer the surveyor’s questions to the best of your ability. • Know how to find policy and procedure information. • Remember, accreditation is not a test. If you are not able to provide any requested information, let the surveyor know and direct them to another team mem ber who may have the […]

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[…] n em ia A nemia caused b y bleeding, either acut e or chronic. Anemia fr om chronic blood loss is most common in the gastr oin testinal tr act. This is o ften caused b y a cow’ s milk pr otein aller gy. Lo w le vels o f thyroid hormone or […]

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[…] Ask: • Ask us to explain any medical terms or words that you do not understand. • Ask us about the risks, benefits and alternatives to any test or treatment. • Ask us about the purpose and potential side effects of any medication. • Ask us to assist you in communicating with your loved […]

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[…] factors, such as breathing problems or an infection. Babies are screened for IVH using an ultrasound machine. This machine generates a picture of the baby’s brain. The test is painless and is usually done at the bedside in the NICU. IVH UNDERSTANDING Intraventricular Hemorrhage Brain What are the different grades of IVH? There are […]

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