[…] de chaque professionnel. 3 Votre bébé et la jaunisse La jaunisse (peau jaune) de votre bébé pourrait s’accentuer après le retour à la maison. Résultats du dernier test sanguin pour la jaunisse : ���������������������������� Date et heure du test : ���������������������������������������������������������������������� Risque de jaunisse à la maison : �������������������������������������������������������� Votre bébé a besoin d’un […]

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[…] solve. Children’s Emergency Department (CHED) CRN They are a support and resource for all emergency staff with anything they need from coordination of discharge plans, responding to questions/concerns and helping with departmental flow. They collaborate with the educator to help roll out new policies, assist with education and orientating new staff to the department. […]

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[…] your family understand what is going to happen and includes important information about eating and drinking before the ultrasound. What is an Ultrasound? An ultrasound is a test that uses sound waves to look inside yo ur child’s body. A picture of what is being viewed shows on a TV screen. What happens during […]

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[…] of Child and Family Services and the surgical office will conta ct them to ge t consent. • Bloodwo rk : Your child may have a blood test before the su rgery . All infants less than one year of a ge need a blood test . Also, families from the Caribbea n, C […]

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[…] workers are required to follow when moving patients of all ages. Some centres, including Health Sciences Centre, have mandatory hands-on training sessions for staff. If you have questions or concerns about body mechanics or your own ability to complete certain activities, please consult your Occupational & Environmental Safety and Health (OESH) department or your […]

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[…] t may be uncomfortable or unpleasant, or that your child needs to lay still for. The doctor has ordered “procedural sedation” to help your child through the test or treatment. What is procedural sedation? • Procedural sedation is when medicine is given, us ually put through an intravenous (IV), that will help your child […]

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[…] a piece of elastic tape. A cord connects the light to the monitor, which shows the amount of oxygen being carried by the red blood cells. Equipment, Tests and Treatments Information for Families and Caregivers Isolette An isolette is a bed that provides heat and humidity to your baby. They have a Plexiglass cover […]

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[…] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 8 Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . […]

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[…] ART 1: INTERVIEW The following section should be completed by a clinician. Please have your client and/or caregivers involved with pressure management care answer all of the questions below. All information collected in this section is meant to be client and/or caregiver report only. Part 2 will involve actual evaluation of client performance related […]

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What is newborn screening? Newborn screening is a program for testing all babies for some health conditions. If one of these health conditions is found, it can often be treated. Early detection and treatment may help avoid more serious health problems later in life. Is newborn screening the same everywhere in the United States? […]

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