[…] and is not a replacement for medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis or treatment by a healthcare professional. To order copies of this document, or for any copyri ght questions, please contact the Family Information Library in Children’s Hospital: 204 -787 -1012, or [email protected] Parents must provide consent/permission for baby cuddling. Once you have given consent, […]

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[…] no t a repla cement for medi cal evaluation, advice, diagnosis or treatment by a healthc are profess ional. To o rder copies of this document, or for any c opyrigh t questions, please contact the Family Informat ion Librar y in Chil dren’s Hospi tal: 204 -787-1012, or familylib [email protected] b.ca asthma alli e

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[…] educate and is not a replacement for medi cal evaluation, advice, diagnosis or treatment by a healthc are profess ional. To o rder copies of this document, or for any c opyrigh t questions, please contact the Family Information Library in Children’s Hospi tal: 204 -787-1012, or familylib [email protected] b.ca Next Review: March 202 4

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[…] The information is intended to inform and educate and is not a replacement for medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis or treatment by a healthcare professional. To order copies of this document, or for any copyright questions, please contact the Family Information Library in Children’s Hospital: 204 -787 -1012, or [email protected] Next Review: January , 202 6

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[…] educate and is not a replacement for medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis or treatment by a healthcare professional. To order copies of this document, or for any copyright questions, please contact the Family Information Library in Children’s Hospital: 204 -787 -1012, or [email protected] Next Review: November 202 3 The antibiotic will take up to 48 […]

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[…] available. The information is intended to inform and educate and is not a replacement for medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis or treatment by a healthcare professional. To order copies of this document, or for any copyright questions, please contact the Family Information Library in Children’s Ho spital: 204 -787 -1012, or [email protected] Next Review: June 2023

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[…] at 204 – 788 -8200 (toll free 1 -888 -315 -9257) AFTER A P ROCEDURAL S EDATION To order copies of this document, or for any copyright questions, plea se contact the Family Information Library in Children’s Hospital: 204 -787 -1012, or [email protected] Next Review: April 202 3 Information for Families and Caregivers Children’s […]

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[…] e than one week your child is ha ving noisy breathing your child c omplains o f an earache you ha ve o ther c oncerns or questions pag e 5 o f 5 w ww.a b o utki dsh ealt h .c a /c ro up T a k e y o ur […]

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[…] and is not a replacement for medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis or treatment by a health care professional. To order copies of this document, or for any copyright questions, please contact the Family Information Library in Children’s Hospital: 204 -787 -1012, or [email protected] Contact Us: St. Boniface Hospital 409 Tache Ave , Winn ipeg Health […]

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Questions? Email us at [email protected] © Shared Health Communications. Do not reprint without permission NOVEMBER 2, 2019 5 Weeks until First Patient Day T ours, t ours, tours! For several months, staff who will be working in the new HSC Winnipeg Women’s Hospital have been doing “workflow” tours. These tours have proven especially […]

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