[…] There are many different causes of diarrhea. The most common are viral infect ions. How can I prevent diarrhea? Proper handwashing and safe food handling are the best ways to prevent the spread of germs that cause diarrhea. What should I do if my child has diarrhea? Children with diarrhea need to keep drinking […]

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[…] o ur f a vo urit e p art o f t h e jo b? H O W T O B E TH E B EST TO UR G UID E an d e xp la in w hat y o ur jo b is a t H SC W in nip ega […]

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[…] factors, such as breathing problems or an infection. Babies are screened for IVH using an ultrasound machine. This machine generates a picture of the baby’s brain. The test is painless and is usually done at the bedside in the NICU. IVH UNDERSTANDING Intraventricular Hemorrhage Brain What are the different grades of IVH? There are […]

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[…] n em ia A nemia caused b y bleeding, either acut e or chronic. Anemia fr om chronic blood loss is most common in the gastr oin testinal tr act. This is o ften caused b y a cow’ s milk pr otein aller gy. Lo w le vels o f thyroid hormone or […]

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[…] devenir lourd. C ’est normal. Allez -y une étape à la fois. Restez organis é. Demandez de l ’aide à vos amis ou à votre famille. 5 QUESTIONS FINANCI ÈRES Le gouvernement provincial signalera le d écès à Service Canada. Toutefois, si la personne d écédée re cevai t des prestations (comme celles du […]

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[…] the Occupational Therapy department will send the driver a letter which provides a des cription of the DAMP assessment and information regarding appointment scheduling. If you have questions regarding the referral process, contact MPI Driver Fitness at 204 -985 -1900. February 2022 Occupational Therapy Department Driver Assessment & Management Program RR180 – 800 Sherbrook […]

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[…] retail stores. Please note : Vendors are not necessarily endorsed by your Occupational Therapist or Shared Health. Recommended Equipment :________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ If you have questions please contact the Occupationa l Therapist. Date: _______________ ________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________ Therapist’s Name Therapist’s Signature Phone BRANDON: Brandon Mobility 425 Pacific Ave, Brandon Ph: 727 -6191 […]

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[…] retail stores. Please note : Vendors are not necessarily endorsed by your Occupational Therapist or Shared Health. Recommended Equipment :________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ______________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ If you have questions please contact the Occupational Therap ist. Date: _______________ ________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________ Thera pist’s Name Therapist’s Signature Phone The Access Store 324B Keewatin St. Ph: 204 – […]

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[…] the Occupational Therapy department will send the driver a letter which provides a des cription of the DAMP assessment and information regarding appointment scheduling. If you have questions regarding the referral process, contact MPI Driver Fitness at 204 -985 -1900. February 2022 Occupational Therapy Department Driver Assessment & Management Program RR180 – 800 Sherbrook […]

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[…] interfacility transf er sheet should accompany the facility staff , in addition to ACP status paperwork . Should a c ode or other untoward even t o ccur, we need the most current information available for our resp onders . If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact our Department at 787 -2786.

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